Monday, August 20, 2007

Top Ten #1

There will be more....

But for right now, I feel like listing my ten favorite characters on LOST as it stands today:

1. John Locke

2. Sayid Jarrah

3. Hugo "Hurley" Reyes

4. Mr. Eko Tunde (Dead, and sadly missed)

5. Desmond D. Hume

6. Jin Soo Kwan

7. Ben Linus

8. Ethan Rom (Dead, but still showing up)

9. Jack Shepherd and James "Sawyer" Ford (tie)

10. Michael Dawson *

* (man, is his story gonna be GREAT this season!--I am prepared to move Michael waaaaay up the list if his story arc is as cool as I think it will be!)

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