Wednesday, August 8, 2007

An Experiment, and some Meta-Blogging

The past few days, since I started this blog, I've tried to make each post something wherein I can learn a different aspect of blogging. The first post was to learn how to import photos from Photobucket, the second was learning to embed a YouTube video. This is indeed a learn-as-you-go process. Now I"m going to try that neat little trick where a word or phrase covers up a link to somewhere else. For any experienced bloggers who may read this, try not to chortle too much at my naivete; this is all pretty new to me, and I'm learning a lot of lingo and tricks as I go.

So, I picked up a how-to for this link trick from my cousin, who just had her first hardcover book published by St. Martin's Press. It's called Wild, Wild West and I'm very, very proud of her. She has her own awesome blog, which you can link to from here.

Meta-blogging? Just blogging about blogging, which I will probably do for a little bit at the outset. Sorry!

Immediate update: Experiment successful!! Blogging ahoy!

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