Saturday, August 18, 2007

Meeting Thomas

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Met Keir O'Donnell last week. Keir is probably best known for playing Todd, the very strange artist brother in "Wedding Crashers", but (per the pic above) he also appeared on an episode of LOST called "Raised by Another", as Thomas, the biological father of baby Aaron.

I've been in the Montana Shakespeare Company for the past five summers. Last year, an actor named Justin McCaffrey came up from L.A. to play Orlando in "As You Like It" and Laertes in "Hamlet". Justin is a great guy, a great actor, and has become a good friend. He and Keir both attended the same school in Connecticut, and have been friends ever since then. Keir came up this summer to see Justin in this season's shows ("A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "The Complete Works of Wm. Shakespeare [abridged]), and we all hung out after "Dream".

More on all this later, as soon as the photo of Justin, Keir and me at the Windbag Saloon is e-mailed to me. I'll post the photo and a little more about hanging out with someone who actually got to be on LOST (not an insubstantial reason for me to declare someone cool).

For now, suffice to say Keir is a very cool, very down-to-earth guy.

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