Sunday, December 23, 2007

Season Four of LOST coming soon!

It's only a little over a month away. January 31st. Thursdays!! Yes!! One of my days off! I was hoping to have cable and a flat-screen TV for this season, but oh well--maybe later! Trust me, I will find a way to watch the show!

That said--does it look like an incredible season coming up or what? The writer's strike happened just as LOST had eight episodes in the can, so what I'm hoping is that we will have an eight-episode mini-season...the strike will be resolved (in the writers' favor)...production will commence for the last eight episodes of the season...these will air in the summer...the DVD box set for season 4 will come out in December with 16 episodes...and season 5 will begin in January or February of 2009.

That's what I hope at any rate.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cool LOST stuff.

It's been hard on us LOST-ians these past months.

We've been waiting with the proverbial patience of Job for the 4th season to start, and the Writer's Strike may have an effect on that, but we still wait. And wait. And wait.

Sooner or later, though, we have to resort to any number of things to get some sort of LOST fix. Over on DarkUFO, they've been doing all kinds of things (polls, fantasy leagues, etc.), the 2 minute mob-isodes get critiqued and analyzed to the bejayzus, and me...well, I crawl from site to site, looking for more theories, more analyses, more cool stuff to feed the Inner Geek.

And this is one thing I found:

The Lost Boys, of whom I know absolutely nothing, are clearly some damned fine cartoonists. They do a weekly cartoon based on LOST, and yeah, you kinda gotta be in the know to actually get the jokes, but they are done with such panache, skill and affection that I think even non-LOST-ians would get la frisson au Geek. And when I find that *$%#@ website address, I'll get a link to it for yez.

Can you imagine similar cartoons done for (gasp!) Sex and the City? Desperate Housewives? Grey's Anatomy? Heaven forfend.

We are Geeks and we rule.

UPDATE: Here's the link.

LOST Season 3 DVD coming out soon!

And by soon, I mean real soon!

Here's the plan: Buy the DVD set ASAFP, but don't watch it until December 22!! I won't have rehearsals that day, it's a day off of work, and all I want to do is watch each episode back-to-back, and then feast on all the extras. Mmmmm. Pizza, Mountain Dew and LOST.

Man, it really is the simple pleasures that make life so sweet!

Housekeeping. Literally.

I can't believe the whole of November went by and I only posted ONCE on my blog. Well, "Forum" ended at the beginning of the month, and from there I started immediately on my living room project (my landlord gave me the go-ahead to replace the stained, shabby carpeting in the living room with spanking-new, shiny and aesthetically pleasing laminate wood flooring!), which wasn't completed until this very morning.

I also--and against what I thought was a pretty determined path I was going to follow--went ahead and auditioned for another play...and got cast.

So, I barreled pretty much straight from one play to another. I will be playing the Ghost of John Barrymore in "I Hate Hamlet". I have to rehearse a sword-fight for an hour-and-a-half before the regular rehearsal, which goes from 6:30pm tp 9:30pm. And then, I go to work.

And to top all of this off, the car broke down. In the winter. And my job is 2 miles uphill from where I live. I know, I know, I shouldn't be grumbling. I'm actually glad to be involved in another show, the swordfight is going to look waaaaay cool, the living room is done (so that burden is gone), and sooner or later, the car will get fixed.

It's just that right now...I feel like grumbling.