Sunday, September 2, 2007

Countdown to the Most Important Announcement EVER

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I am predicting Al Gore will enter the race for the Presidency after he wins the Nobel Peace Prize in October. (yup--I'm bristling with optimism!).

More on this later.

I know, I know--a post about auditioning for a show, and then a quick blurb about my preferred candidate for President. What's all that got to do with LOST? Well...not much, and everything. I'll explain later. But even so--it IS my blog, and I post what I want...dagnab it!


Justin said...

Don't I know how important it is for you to get a Democrat in the White House. I'll only accept him if Gore can tell me one thing: Who shot first, Han or Greedo?

Mongo Bombay said...

If I ever get the chance to ask Al Gore a question, I promise you it'll be that one.
