Sunday, September 16, 2007

Terry O'Quinn wins Emmy

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It really, really is nice to see an actor who deserves it get the award, and not just get the award but get it for the work he or she's been doing (rather than as a Life Achievement award, which is what the Oscars tend to do).

Terry O'Quinn won--justly--for doing some incredible work this past season. Did the guy make any false steps, sound any false notes? At all? Noooope. It's not for nothing that John Locke is my favorite character on LOST, and Mr. O'Quinn deserves every plaudit imaginable for bringing this character to life.

Congratulations, sir!

1 comment:

jonnybartender said...

I am with you Papa Kyle! He is one of my favorites too! I am glad he won the emmy! He brings the most human side to that show I think. I can totally relate to him!