Sunday, December 23, 2007

Season Four of LOST coming soon!

It's only a little over a month away. January 31st. Thursdays!! Yes!! One of my days off! I was hoping to have cable and a flat-screen TV for this season, but oh well--maybe later! Trust me, I will find a way to watch the show!

That said--does it look like an incredible season coming up or what? The writer's strike happened just as LOST had eight episodes in the can, so what I'm hoping is that we will have an eight-episode mini-season...the strike will be resolved (in the writers' favor)...production will commence for the last eight episodes of the season...these will air in the summer...the DVD box set for season 4 will come out in December with 16 episodes...and season 5 will begin in January or February of 2009.

That's what I hope at any rate.

1 comment:

charleneteglia said...

I really hope the strike is resolved soon. Fingers crossed!