Sunday, September 2, 2007

My 50th Play (more or less)

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Thursday last, I auditioned for a part in "A Funny Thing...." (see above for full title) at the local college. "Forum" was the first play I directed (in 1999), and I hope to be able to be a part of this production. Damn funny show. High jinks and low brows.

I am not...ummm...a confident singer, but I've gotten through about ten musicals now (ranging from Fagin in "Oliver!" to Vandergelder in "Hello, Dolly!"), and even so, it's still a nerve-rattling experience. That's why I chose 16 bars of "High Anxiety" as my audition song.

Had to show up again the following Friday. Did some more cold-reading (mostly for Pseudolus, yay!) and sang a bit from "Pretty Little Picture". The director will have the cast posted by Tuesday, the day after Labor Day. I really don't care what part--they're all funny--I just want to be in the darn thing!

Besides, now I have a place to post pictures from rehearsal through performance. (Even if it doesn't have a whole lot to do with LOST!)

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