Sunday, October 14, 2007

I want to buy this island someday!

It's called Kanacea, and it's in the Lau Archipelago of Fiji.

It's only $45,000,000. Only $44,999,999 left to go!

Ahhh, but to buy it and totally pimp it out in a Bond villain-meets-Myst kind of way. Killer robots don't come cheap, you know. Plus all the henchmen to hire, and the underground lair to construct, and the sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to purchase and train.

I can finally come clean; I want to be Dr. Evil. I already have the cats.


charleneteglia said...

Oooh. An island. What a place to lurk and plot! And doesn't it look sort of bat-shaped?

Mongo Bombay said...

From that angle, yeah, kinda bat-shaped--but did you notice the island is ringed by seven (extinct!!) volcanoes? I found this one kind of by accident, but I fell in love. Over 300 acres. A cocunut plantation. Lagoons and grottoes. Please, God, let me earn just a FRACTION of that J.K. Rowling ca$h, so's I can gets me that island!! :)