Sunday, October 21, 2007

"The Golden Compass" points to December

It's coming....

It's almost here....

About six weeks away....

December 7, 2007.

(Oh, please, Mighty Crom, let this movie refrain from being Suckfest '07! It looks so good, and has such a great cast. PLEASE let it be as marvelous as it looks like it will be!!)


charleneteglia said...

Oh, come on, you know it's going to be amazing. Did you see the trailer? If nothing else you can just shut off your ears and STARE at the beauty. They so brought this world to life. I can't wait. It's going to be as good as Peter Jackson's LOTR.

Mongo Bombay said...

I'm actually not as nervous about as I posted. Kind of amazing--did you know that the guy who directed "Golden Compass" was also one of the two directors of "American Pie"? Talk about trading up....

I just hope one of the daemons doesn't look like Stifler.