Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just For Fun

Wow, three posts in one night! Bojemoi!!

Movies I've seen this year that are AMAZING!

1. Children of Men
2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
3. Stardust
4. Ratatouille
5. Sicko (not technically a movie, but you know....)

Movies that I endured, movies that sucked worse than a drunken whore with dementia.

1. Spiderman 3
2. Fantastic Four 2
3. Pirates of the Caribbean 3
(notice a trend?)

BTW, I don't consider Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to be a sequel, and therefore immune from my criticism of, and abhorrence for, big, bloated, hot-air-filled sequels.

Also, apropos of nothing, in my post about why I love LOST, I did want to make mention of my favorite two fansites: Lost and Gone Forever and Lostpedia. Check them out, if you wish.

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