Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Seriously. Follow the link.

I mean this: Go here.

It's priceless. Best line: when Batman greets Robin with "Hey, player, what's up?"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Egad! No post since just before CHRISTMAS!!!

Wow, I knew I hadn't blogged in a while, but it was still a bit of a shock to see that the date of my last post was December 23rd. Bozhemoi!!!
Since then, I was in I Hate Hamlet as the Ghost of John Barrymore and right after that--and I do mean RIGHT after that--I played Cardinal Richelieu in The Three Musketeers. So, yeah, I have been a bit busy with theatre, but now that I am done with shows for a while--at least until summer Shakespeare gets under way--I really have no excuse not to start attending to Station 15.
Here's a couple of shots of me as the evil Cardinal:

Yeah, it was taken in the dressing room, but it was still a way cool picture of three bad guys. From left to right, the gorgeous Kailey Portsmouth as Milady DeWinter; moi; and Ryan Pfeiffer as Comte Rochefort.
And another....

Sadly, I don't have any pix from I Hate Hamlet as of yet. That was an amazing show.
So, for a blog that is purportedly about LOST, I seem to spend a lot more time dealing with other things. Oh, well; some of my favorite bloggers post pictures of their cats, or their orchids, or somesuch thing or another.
I fully plan on writing some thoughts on Season 4, but in short, the show is moving like gangbusters and it is becoming wilder and wilder with each episode. Yeah!!!
I am going to write about some questions I have regarding the evolution of Ben Linus from Prisoner in the Hatch to some kind of multinational power-monger.
One last photo:

This is from last summer, and I mentioned it in one of my earliest blog posts. One the left of me is my pal Justin, with whom I have acted Shakespeare here for the past two summers. On my right is Justin's friend and fellow grad school classmate Keir O'Donnell, who played the crazy artist Todd in Wedding Crashers, and who also appeared on LOST as Baby Aaron's biological father Thomas in the first season episode Raised by Another.
More posts soon! I'm back in the saddle!